We needed a financial redo – Joe came in and qualified our business for a $40,000 grant from a state agency as well as qualified us for a loan reduction of over 2 percent off our borrowing needs.  After consulting with our staff, he was able through our normal year end process complete all the necessary forms for the programs – it seemed to go easy when everyone said how much work it would be.  We saved over $50,000 in interest savings on our loan through the program.

We had a severe tax problem and did not want to purchase any other equipment as a tax deduction to just sit idle – we had done that for the last few years and it wasn’t working – Joe came in and implemented a Cash Balance Pension Plan where we were able to tax defer over $350,000 annually between two owners – all of the contributions where earmarked for the owners through plan design and our employees benefited as well.  The plan had several factors which where all explained (as well as several other options).  Working together we were able to come up with the best plan for our company.

Joe saw the increase in our employees and helped us put together our payroll forms packet (including a Spanish version), filings with EEOC, new OSHA electronic filing and saved us over $20,000 annually in tax credits through the development and training of our staff on the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC).  We knew of the program but could not get all the pieces put together.  After some training, the whole process became very easy to manage and we knew we had a person to turn to if we had problems.